Race Management Roles
For all CCYC hosted events we require the following team members:
Race Officer
The Race Officer (RO) is responsible for the actual conduct of the racing, determines the course, makes decisions about postponements, course shortening etc. The RO is an on the water manager and keeps overview of what goes on around the entire racecourse. The RO may be required to represent the Race Committee at protest hearings.
Mark Layer Boat Team
For some of our regattas the club will require one or two mark laying teams in ribs. Mark Layers are an important aid to the Race Officer. They are responsible not only for laying marks to set the course but also giving information to the Race Officer on wind strength and direction across the course area. Between starting and finishing, the Mark Layers may also be used as a patrol boat, although their main task is to stand by for alterations to the course in the event of a wind change.
Requirements: RYA PB2 (and club rib checked), Mark Laying Helm requires VHF/SRC certification, Mark Laying Experience or Qualification for at least one of the team members
Patrol Boat Team
For CCYC regatta weekends where there is no requirement for a mark laying team we aim to have a patrol boat on the course staffed with a helm and crew, depending on the size of the fleet or the weather conditions. Patrol Boat does not require any Mark Laying knowledge.
Requirements: RYA PB2 (and club rib checked), VHF/SRC certification
Committee Vessel Team (Race Management Team)
In addition to the Race Officer, there are a number of other roles on the committee vessel which form part of the race committee and are vital to running the racing. CV team roles are: CV Driver, Time Keeping, Sound Signals, Recorder.
As you will see from the brief descriptions below, there is a range of skills and experiences required, from simply having a clear voice and being able to focus to official certifications. CCYC race management work as a team and will assign CV roles based on the experience and skills of the full CV team.
CV Driver – we require someone to drive our Club CV (TinTin). If you sign up for this role your main job is to drive the CV to the
position(s) instructed by the RO. The CV team will always be happy to receive some additional help if your driving duty permits. Requirements: RYA PB2 (and club CV checked), VHF/SRC certification.
Timekeeping: the timekeeper holds an important position on the race committee. This role requires a good clear voice and concentration. Key skills: Clear voice; focus
Sound Signals: the person assigned to the sound signals role (hooter) is responsible for all the sound signals that accompany the visual signals. Sound Signal and Timekeeper may be combined. Key skills: focus, clear voice, listening, communication.
Visual Signals: the person to visual signals ensures that the correct flags are ready for display and removal at the appropriate time. They will take all their timings from the Timekeeper. Key skills: Clear voice: Knowledge of flags; good attention keeping; Key skills: Clear voice: Focus; listening & communication
Recorders: Recorders or are responsible for recording the competitors in the starting area. They may also be required to keep a log off all communications, wind direction, strength, and the course used. Recorders will note all the boats identified as being On Course Side (OCS), and the sail numbers of boats incurring penalties or correcting errors. For larger regattas we may assign a back-up recorder. For CCYC racing recorders also record the finishing boats. Key skills: Attention to detail, attentiveness; good handwriting
The above descriptions have been adapted from RYA website for CCYC roles. Find out more here from the RYA website, but don’t be daunted, CCYC works as a team on the water!
If you wish to start or refresh your memory about running racing we recommend the RYA online club racing course https://www.rya.org.uk/racing/running-racing/club-courses/club-race-management - it is free and you can attend at your convenience online from anywhere.